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Tooth Decay

When Should You Use a Saltwater Rinse?

When Should You Use a Saltwater Rinse?

All About Saltwater Rinsing

After a dental treatment, your dentist may recommend a salt water rinse to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Saltwater rinses have many other uses, however. Here are some ways to use saltwater rinses for better oral health.

Why Tooth Enamel Matters

Why Tooth Enamel Matters

Tooth Enamel Why It Matters

The enamel on your teeth protects them and makes them gleam. Acids, illnesses and bacteria can chip away at your enamel and damage your teeth. Here’s what you need to know about protecting and preserving your tooth enamel.

What Causes Tooth Stains?

What Causes Tooth Stains?

What Is Causing Your Tooth Stains?

You’d love to have a bright, white smile, but lately, your pearly whites are looking dull and dark. How did they get those stains? Here are the likely culprits. Great news Malan Family Dentistry can help brighten your teeth for a wonderful smile! Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

About Dental Plaque

About Dental Plaque

FAQs About Dental Plaque

You hear a lot about dental plaque and the importance of preventing it, but how much do you know about it? Here are some questions our customers frequently have about plaque.

When Do Dentists Pull Teeth?

When Do Dentists Pull Teeth?

Reasons Dentist Pull Teeth?

Tooth extraction is a fairly common dental procedure. Although our permanent adult teeth are supposed to last a lifetime, sometimes it’s necessary to remove one or more. Contact Rockingham NC based family dental practice to schedule your next dental visit.