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Reasons Dentist Pull Teeth?

Tooth extraction is a fairly common dental procedure. Although our permanent adult teeth are supposed to last a lifetime, sometimes it’s necessary to remove one or more.

Tooth Decay

If you’re suffering from advanced tooth or gum decay, you may not be able to save all your teeth. Sometimes, tooth decay has become so severe or so extensive that restorative treatment won’t help. A root canal is a usual remedy for advanced decay, but there are times when the tooth cannot be fixed.

A dentist may extract the tooth to prevent further infection.

Accident or Injury

If you’ve had an accident or received a blow that knocked your tooth out, a dentist may need to extract the rest. In some cases, a dentist can reattach your tooth. If you haven’t been able to save it or get to a dentist in time, extraction of the remaining tooth will be necessary. Note that only permanent teeth can be reattached.

Wisdom Teeth

Contrary to what people used to think, you don’t have to automatically remove your wisdom teeth. If they’re bothering you, however, they might be impacted, which means they’re blocking your other teeth from normal movement. Impacted wisdom teeth carry the risk of infection, and your dentist will recommend removal of them.

Broken Tooth

A dentist can usually repair a broken tooth, but some teeth can’t be fixed. If the break is severe, your dentist may feel it’s better to remove it.

Is It Painful To Pull a Tooth?

Pulling teeth used to be a painful process, but modern techniques have made it far more comfortable for patients. With anesthesia, you won’t feel it. Extractions can be a fast, simple procedure that you can have done in a day.

What To Expect During a Tooth Extraction

  • Your dentist will thoroughly numb the area before starting.

  • During the extraction, you will feel pressure on the tooth.

  • Your doctor will prescribe pain medications.

Follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions carefully. You should avoid using straws or other activities that involve sucking in the air.

Smoking can increase your chances of developing complications after tooth extraction. If you smoke, avoid doing so for a week after the extraction.

Contact Us for All Your Dental Needs

If you need a tooth extraction or other dental procedure, contact Malan Family Dentistry. We provide comprehensive dental care for the whole family. Call and make an appointment today.