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Cosmetic Dentistry

Are Dental Veneers Right for You?

Are Dental Veneers Right for You?

Dental Veneers Right for You?

A beautiful smile can help you look your best. If you have a lot of broken, discolored, or misshaped teeth, veneers are a possible solution. Veneers are thin covers that your dentist adheres to your teeth to give you the smile you’ve always wanted.

How are Dentures Fitted?

How are Dentures Fitted?

Dentures Today

Today’s dentures are far more advanced than the bulky, uncomfortable dentures the Washingtons wore. Most are made from acrylic resin, which is a flexible plastic.

Tooth Whitening Methods

Tooth Whitening Methods

Tooth Whitening Methods: How Well Do They Work?

Most people want bright, white teeth. If you’ve tried to get them, you may have considered both over-the-counter and professional treatments. Do any of them work? Here’s the lowdown on the most common whitening methods.

What are the Small Ridges on Teeth?

What are the Small Ridges on Teeth?

Ridges on Your Teeth?

Have you ever wondered why you have ridges on your teeth? Since fingernail ridges can sometimes signal illness, you may wonder if the same is true for your teeth. In most cases, teeth ridges are harmless, but they are sometimes linked to illness or poor oral hygiene.

Foods to Avoid with Dental Implants

Foods to Avoid with Dental Implants

What Should You Eat After Dental Implant Surgery?

Immediately after dental implant surgery, your gums may be sore. It can take up to a week to recover, but you can go back to normal activities after about three days. Follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions carefully.