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Living with Dental Implants

Dental implants are an alternative to dentures that look, feel and work like your natural teeth. Here’s what you need to know about living with implants.

What Should You Eat After Dental Implant Surgery?

Immediately after dental implant surgery, your gums may be sore. It can take up to a week to recover, but you can go back to normal activities after about three days. Follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions carefully.

While your gums are healing, avoid eating hard or crunchy foods. Stick to soft foods, including:

  • Soup.

  • Yogurt.

  • Pudding.

  • Mashed potatoes.

  • Soft biscuits and bread.

  • Cottage cheese and other soft cheeses.

  • Hot cereals.

  • Scrambled eggs.

  • Smoothies.

  • Meatloaf.

Caring for Your Dental Implants After Surgery

Don’t use toothbrushes the first few days after surgery. Use a solution of warm salt water to clean your teeth and gums after each meal. After a few days, you can begin gently brushing.

What Foods Can You Eat Once Your Implants Heal?

Here’s the good news. Dental implants work just like your natural teeth. You can chew and eat anything you like once the implants heal. Unlike dentures, implants won’t move or crack when you eat certain foods. Enjoy munching on apples, corn on the cob, popcorn, nuts, and chewing gum.

Eat All Your Favorites

With dentures, you may have to balance the amount of pressure you place on your teeth. That’s not a problem with implants.

Some people with dentures complain that the dentures make certain foods taste strange. That’s not the case with implants. You can enjoy all your favorites without worrying.

Caring for Your Dental Implants

Proper care of your dental implants is important. Follow a regular cleaning routine to keep your implants and gums healthy.

Brush: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently to avoid scratching the surface of your implants. Don’t use abrasive whitening toothpaste. They can damage the implant surface, and they’re not necessary if you have implants.

Floss: Use floss once a day. While you can use any floss on your natural teeth, we recommend using unwaxed floss on your implants.

Professional cleaning: Like your natural teeth, your implants need professional cleaning to stay healthy. Your dentist or dental hygienist can perform regular cleanings to prevent plaque buildup around the implants.

Mouthguards: If you grind or clench your teeth at night, your dentist may prescribe mouth guards to protect your implants.

No Nightly Cleaning

You don’t need to remove dental implants to clean them. That’s another advantage they have over dentures and bridges. You never have to take them out or soak them. You go to sleep with them, wake with them, and live normally.

Enjoy Life with Dental Implants

Dental implants are comfortable and convenient. They help preserve your jawbone strength and allow you to eat, smile, and talk normally. Once your implant surgery heals, enjoy life with your new implants.