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Tooth Whitening Methods: How Well Do They Work?

Most people want bright, white teeth. If you’ve tried to get them, you may have considered both over-the-counter and professional treatments. Do any of them work? Here’s the lowdown on the most common whitening methods.

Whitening Strips

It’s easy to find whitening strips in drugstores. They typically contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which are bleaching agents. These strips work on stains caused by food and drinks, and they can also work on stains caused by medications, aging, or exposure to certain metals.

• Work on all types of tooth stains
• May only lighten one or two shades
• Must be used daily for several weeks
• Can be harsh on sensitive gums


There are many kinds of whitening toothpaste and mouthwash available in stores. In combination, they can help remove stains and make your teeth brighter, but they won’t lighten dramatically.

Some brands use abrasive ingredients to whiten. These can harm your tooth enamel, so it’s best to use those that only have bleaching ingredients.

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends looking for a toothpaste with a low relative dentin abrasiveness (RDA) score. The safest score is 249 or below. If the brand has the ADA seal of approval, it is low in RDA.
• Can work in combination with mouthwash
• May contain abrasives that harm enamel
• Must be used daily
• Results are gradual

Whitening Mouthwash

Whitening mouthwash is safe to use. It doesn’t have the abrasive ingredients of some toothpaste brands. However, it doesn’t have much whitening power on its own. It works best when you combine it with other treatments and products.

Laser Bleaching

Laser bleaching is also known as laser whitening or power whitening. It is a procedure done in a dentist’s office. The dentist uses hydrogen peroxide and a laser to bleach your teeth. It is an intensive treatment that can cause burning or irritation in some people.

• May cause tooth and gum irritation
• Can be painful for those with sensitive teeth
• Costs more than other methods
• Must be done in-office

Zoom or LED Whitening

This is like laser bleaching, but it uses LED lights instead of a laser. It is also less powerful than laser bleaching, so you may need more than one treatment to get the best results. It is also less likely to irritate than other methods.

• More affordable than laser bleaching
• Gentle on sensitive teeth and gums
• May need more than one treatment
• Must be done in a dentist’s office

Get an At-Home Treatment That Really Works

Many people want professional whitening results, but they don’t want to spend hours at the dentist’s office. At Malan Family Dentistry, we have addressed both needs with an at-home whitening treatment that delivers professional results. Our take-home treatment will give you dazzlingly white teeth from the comfort and convenience of home. To learn more, call us today.