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All About Dental Tartar

You’ve probably heard about the dangers of dental tartar, but what exactly is it? Here’s what you need to know:

  • Tartar can damage your teeth and gums.

  • Only your dentist or dental hygienist can remove tartar.

  • You can control tartar buildup with the right dental practices.

Let’s take a closer look at this common problem.

What Is Tartar?

Tartar is an advanced form of plaque.

Plaque forms when the bacteria in your mouth mix with proteins and starches from your food to create a sticky film. This film coats your teeth and gums with bacteria that can cause cavities and weaken your enamel.

If you don’t remove the plaque, it hardens and turns into tartar. Tartar usually forms at the gumline. It is almost impossible to remove at home. Only a dental professional can remove tartar from your teeth.

How Tartar Damages Your Teeth

Tartar damages your teeth and gums in several ways. It can form a film that makes it difficult to reach the surface of your teeth. This makes it even easier for decay to build in your mouth.

Tartar is one of the first signs of gum disease. Because it traps bacteria at the gumline, it can lead to irritation and inflammation. Chronic inflammation of your gums is also known as periodontitis, which is advanced gum disease.

Left untreated gum disease can lead to receding teeth and bone. Gum disease can also affect your heart and other organs. It is a serious disease that requires treatment by a dentist.

What Can You Do About Tartar?

Although you can’t heal gum disease or remove tartar on your own, you can take steps to limit the accumulation of tartar on your teeth. Good oral hygiene is the key to controlling tartar and preventing gum disease.

Control Tartar: Six Steps for Success

1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Spend two minutes brushing your teeth. Some electric toothbrushes come with automatic timers that tell you when your two minutes are up.

2. Floss at least once a day. Studies find that all types of floss work equally well, so choose the type you like best. If you have trouble flossing, try interdental toothbrushes.

3. Use an antiseptic mouthwash. Look for a mouthwash that contains bacteria-fighting ingredients and fluoride. Fluoride is proven to help restore dental enamel. When you use the mouthwash, swish, and gargle with it for at least one full minute.

4. Watch your food intake. Every time you eat a meal or a snack, your mouth gets exposed to harmful bacteria. When you eat, limit the damage by drinking plenty of water with your meals. Try to brush after each meal.

5. Get your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year. Only your dentist or dental hygienist can remove all the plaque and tartar on your teeth.

6. Get regular dental checkups. This is the most important thing you can do to protect your teeth and gums.

Make an Appointment Today

If you’ve been slipping when it comes to good oral hygiene, it’s never too late to turn things around. At Malan Family Dentistry, we offer outstanding dental care for the entire family. Call us today to schedule a cleaning and checkup.