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Stages of Periodontitis

You may have heard about periodontitis, but what does this common dental term mean? Periodontitis is another word for gum disease. Here’s a brief rundown of this serious but preventable disease.

The Four Stages

There are four stages of gum disease. The terms gum disease and periodontitis refer to the same disease.

Stage 1: Gingivitis is the first stage. In this stage, you experience mild to moderate gum inflammation without any bone loss. You may notice irritated gums or slight bleeding when you floss.

Stage 2: In early periodontitis, bone loss has already begun. The bone that holds your teeth in, called the alveolus, will move away from your teeth as they do not like the constant state of inflammation that your gums are in. You may notice some irritation and bleeding when brushing or flossing.

Stage 3: In moderate periodontitis, you may notice regular bleeding around your gum tissue. Your teeth may start to exhibit mobility at this stage.

Stage 4: Advanced periodontitis is the most serious stage of the disease. Your teeth may be noticeably loose, and it may hurt to bite or chew as the bone that supports your teeth has noticeably (on an x-ray) moved away from your teeth.

What Causes Periodontitis?

Periodontitis is the result of not treating gum disease in its early stages. You can prevent gingivitis from getting worse by getting a deep dental cleaning.

Gingivitis is the buildup of plaque and tartar on your teeth. Only a professional dental cleaning can remove this plaque and help your gums heal.

Professional cleaning followed by regular brushing and flossing will keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you let gingivitis slide, however, it can turn into advanced gum disease.

Can You Cure Periodontitis?

You can reverse some early forms of gum disease by getting prompt medical attention.

If you have advanced periodontitis, your dentist can help you manage the disease and keep it from getting worse. You can restore the health of your gums, but some bone tissue and teeth may be lost forever. Advanced gum disease is the #1 cause of tooth loss.

How Can You Prevent Periodontitis?

The best way to deal with periodontitis is to avoid getting it in the first place. Here’s how you can keep your smile healthy.

  • Brush your teeth after eating. Brush twice a day, use a soft brush, and scrub your teeth for two minutes.

  • Floss your teeth once a day. Use floss or an interdental brush.

  • Use an antiseptic mouthwash twice a day.

  • Visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.

  • Eat a healthy diet.

  • Quit smoking or chewing tobacco.

  • Contact your dentist if you notice symptoms of gingivitis.

Keep Your Smile Healthy at Malan Family Dentistry

Good oral hygiene is the best way to prevent gingivitis and periodontitis. Brushing, flossing, and using an antiseptic mouthwash will help, but only a dentist can give you the deep cleaning that prevents gum disease from getting worse.

Regular checkups and cleanings will keep your smile bright. If you’re concerned about gum disease, contact Malan Family Dentistry and schedule a checkup today.