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About Dental Sealant

You may have heard of dental sealants and wondered what they were. Dental sealants are an excellent way to prevent tooth decay in children and some adults and applying them is quick and easy.

What Is a Dental Sealant?

A dental sealant is a clear resin coating that covers your tooth. It is a protective cover that shields your tooth from acid erosion and bacteria. Sealants are primarily used on children, but they will also work for teenagers and adults.

A sealant is usually applied to the molars, which are the back teeth that are often hard to reach when you brush or floss. These are the most likely areas for teeth to get cavities. Applying a sealant is quick, easy, and painless.

Who Should Get Sealants?

Sealants are normally used to prevent tooth decay in children. If your child has struggled with brushing and flossing, a dental sealant can keep their teeth clean and strong.

Most dental experts recommend getting sealants as soon as a child’s permanent molars come in. This protects the teeth through the most cavity-prone years.

Do They Work?

Sealants can’t take the place of regular dental hygiene, but they can add an extra level of protection.

Studies have found that sealants can reduce the risk of decay by 80% in some teeth.

In 2016, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released a report titled Dental Sealants Prevent Cavities. It recommended dental sealants for all children aged 6 to 11.

How Do They Protect Teeth?

By sealing off the teeth, they prevent bacteria from reaching the crevices in the molars. The sealant keeps food, sugar, and bacteria off the tooth’s surface.

How Long Do They Last?

A professionally applied sealant can last up to 10 years. Your dentist will check your sealant periodically to ensure it’s not chipping or wearing off.

Can Adults Get Sealants?

Adults can get sealants on their molars if they don’t have cavities or fillings in them.

How Does Your Dentist Apply One?

A dentist or dental hygienist can apply the sealant. The process is simple, painless, and noninvasive. You can have it done in your dentist’s office.

Here’s what the process involves:

1. Your dental professional cleans the teeth that will be sealed.

2. A light gel is applied to roughen the tooth surfaces. This allows the resin to adhere better.

3. Your dentist or dental hygienist applies the plastic coating to the tooth.

4. A blue curing light is used to harden the plastic into a transparent film.

Are There Any Side Effects to Sealants?

There are no known side effects of sealants. You don’t notice them when you’re eating, drinking, or talking.

Some people are concerned about levels of bisphenol A (BPA) in plastics. The plastic used in sealants has trace amounts of BPA. The level of exposure is lower than the level of exposure you get from dust in your home or using lotions and cosmetics.

Are There Alternatives to Sealants?

A fluoride treatment is another intensive treatment for decay-prone teeth. During a fluoride treatment, the dentist uses a highly concentrated fluoride gel or foam.

A fluoride treatment takes only a few minutes to apply. In most cases, you should avoid drinking, eating, or rinsing your mouth for 30 minutes after getting one.

Fluoride treatments are an excellent supplement to regular dental care, but they are not as effective or long-lasting as a sealant.

Contact Malan Dentistry

If you think your child needs a dental sealant, contact Malan Family Dentistry today. In just a few minutes, we can place a sealant that will protect their teeth for many years. Call us today to schedule an appointment.