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Excessive Bleeding of Gums

Many people experience the disconcerting sight of blood while flossing their teeth. The presence of bleeding gums during this oral hygiene practice can be concerning, but it is essential to recognize that it is not an uncommon occurrence. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind gums bleeding during flossing, shed light on some possible causes, and the significance of maintaining good oral health.

Gum Disease (Gingivitis):

Gum disease, particularly gingivitis, is one of the primary reasons why gums bleed during flossing. Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease characterized by inflammation of the gums caused by bacterial plaque build-up. When plaque accumulates along the gum line, it irritates the gums, leading to inflammation and bleeding. Regular flossing can help remove plaque and reduce the risk of gum disease.

Improper Flossing Technique:

Using improper flossing techniques can also contribute to bleeding gums. Aggressive or rough flossing can traumatize the delicate gum tissue, leading to bleeding. It is essential to use gentle, controlled motions while flossing to avoid injuring the gums. A dental professional can provide guidance on the correct flossing technique to minimize the risk of bleeding.

Sensitive Gums:

Some individuals naturally have more sensitive gums than others. Even with proper flossing techniques, these individuals may experience bleeding due to the increased vulnerability of their gum tissue. Sensitive gums can be genetic or result from certain medical conditions. If you have persistent bleeding despite using appropriate flossing techniques, consulting a dentist is advisable to evaluate the underlying cause.

Plaque and Tartar Build-up:

Accumulated plaque and tartar can increase the likelihood of bleeding gums during flossing. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth and gum tissue, which can harden into tartar if not removed regularly. Both plaque and tartar can irritate the gums and lead to bleeding. Professional dental cleanings and consistent oral hygiene practices, including flossing, are crucial for removing plaque and preventing its build-up.


Pregnancy can cause hormonal changes in a woman's body, leading to an increased risk of gum bleeding during flossing. This condition, known as pregnancy gingivitis, occurs due to hormonal fluctuations that make the gums more sensitive to plaque. Pregnant women should prioritize oral health and consult their dentist for appropriate care during this time.


While it may be disconcerting to see blood while flossing, it is important to understand that bleeding gums can have various causes. Gum disease, improper flossing technique, sensitive gums, plaque and tartar build-up, and hormonal changes during pregnancy can all contribute to this issue. 

Regular dental visits with professionals like Malan Family Dentistry, proper oral hygiene practices, including flossing, and seeking professional advice when necessary is essential for maintaining healthy gums. 

Remember, if you experience persistent bleeding or have concerns about your oral health, consult a dental professional for a thorough examination and personalized guidance.  Contact Malan Family Dentistry today!