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Top 6 Facts About Cavities

Cavities are the most common dental complaint. They affect children and adults of all ages. Here are the top seven facts about cavities.

 1. They Can’t Be Reversed

Once cavities form on your teeth, you can’t get rid of them. They happen when germs form on your teeth and aren’t removed. These germs create an acid that eats your tooth enamel and creates tiny holes in your teeth. You can’t reverse a cavity, but you can prevent further decay by filling it.

 2. Not Treating a Cavity Could Mean Loss of Your Tooth

If you see black spots on your teeth, you might ignore them or think they’re just signs of discoloration. In fact, they are probably cavities. Ignoring them won’t make them go away, and the result could be the loss of your tooth. Losing your teeth can cause bacteria to accumulate under your gum line, and that could lead to even more dental health problems.

 3. There Are Several Treatments for Cavities

The good news is that your dentist has many ways to help you deal with cavities. In the early stages of decay, fluoride treatment or deep cleaning can stop the damage from getting worse. If things progress, you may need a filling, root canal or crown. Your dentist is the best source of information on stopping and preventing tooth decay.

 4. Cavities Are Common

Most people have had cavities at some point in their lives. More than 50% of all children have had cavities in their baby teeth, and 90% of adults over 20 have had at least one cavity. It’s easy to get cavities, but there’s no reason to live with them. Preventive dental care is the best way to keep them in check.

  5. Silver Fillings Are Safe

Some people worry that the silver amalgam used in many fillings is unsafe because it has trace amounts of mercury. In fact, the American Dental Association considers silver amalgam one of the best, safest substances for restoring teeth that have cavities. Dentists have used it for decades, and there are no reported side effects from it.

 6. You Can Prevent Most Cavities

• Brush and floss every day. Removing bacteria from your teeth daily is the best way to prevent cavities.
• Get regular dental checkups.
• Have your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year.

Call Malan Family Dentistry for All Your Dental Needs

At Malan Family Dentistry, we treat cavities in children and adults. Our clinic features the safest, most innovative treatments for cavities and all dental problems. Keep your teeth healthy by scheduling a checkup today.