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Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard?

Your teeth may be hard, but they need gentle treatment when it comes to cleaning. Overbrushing, using hard toothbrushes, and brushing too hard are common mistakes that can weaken your teeth. Here’s how to know if you need to slow down on the brushing.

Handle with Care

Your teeth are not pots, pans, floors, or anything else that needs a hard scrubbing to get clean. A light touch using the right technique and good toothpaste is all you need to make your teeth sparkle.

Signs You’re Brushing Too Hard

Worn-out toothbrush: Does your toothbrush look ragged and worn out after just a couple of weeks? A toothbrush should last at least three months. If yours wear out before then, you’re brushing too hard.
Sensitive teeth: Overbrushing can wear away the enamel on your teeth. Wearing down the enamel will expose the nerves on your teeth and make them sensitive. Remember, once you lose tooth enamel, you can’t get it back. Protect your teeth to keep them around for decades.
Dull, discolored teeth: All the whiteners in the world won’t brighten your teeth if you’re brushing too hard. Overbrushing can make your teeth darker and less shiny.
Cavities and tooth decay: Overbrushing can damage teeth and make them more prone to cavities. That’s probably the exact opposite of what you intended with your aggressive brushing.
Receding gums: Hard brushing can cause your gums to detach from your teeth. Your gums may feel raw and sensitive.

Why Do People Brush Too Hard?

There are two reasons people brush too hard. One is that they think “the more, the better.” After all, it works for most things like walls and windows. Your teeth aren’t walls or windows, however. They’re more like delicate fabrics that require washing with care.

The second reason is that they don’t know the proper brushing techniques. If you’re not sure how to floss and brush, ask your dental hygienist for help.

How to Brush the Right Way

Follow these tips to keep your teeth gleaming. Use floss before or after brushing, and add an antiseptic mouthwash for more protection.

• Always use a soft toothbrush.
• Hold the brush at a 45-degree angle.
• Hold the brush lightly.
• Brush back and forth gently with a circular motion.
• Brush the front, back, and top of each tooth.
• Finish by brushing your tongue.

Get Expert Care for Your Teeth

If you have dental problems of any kind, contact Malan Family Dental. We offer expert care for the whole family.