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About Recessed Gums

Gum recession is a common dental problem and can be an early sign of gum disease. Untreated gum disease can cause loss of bone structure, tooth decay, and tooth loss. Do you think you have receding gums? Here’s what you need to know.

Do You Have Receding Gums?

Gum recession happens slowly. You may not realize it’s happening until you look in the mirror one day and notice some of your teeth look longer than normal. Your teeth might be unusually sensitive, or you might notice notches in your gum line.

Gum Recession Is a Serious Condition

If you think your gums are receding, make an appointment with your dentist to discuss your concerns. Taking action now can prevent the problem from getting worse. It may even save your teeth.

What Causes Gum Recession?

Poor oral hygiene. If you don’t regularly floss, brush and use an antiseptic mouthwash, you could cause plaque on your teeth to turn into tartar. Tartar soon turns into gum disease that causes your gums to pull back.

Only a professional dental cleaning can remove tartar.

Hormonal changes. Hormone swings during puberty and other life events can make your gums and teeth more sensitive. Women might experience similar changes after going through pregnancy and menopause.

Excessive brushing or brushing too hard. Contrary to what you might think, hard brushing isn’t necessary to clean your teeth. In fact, brushing too hard can damage the enamel and leave teeth vulnerable to decay. Never buy toothbrushes with hard bristles. Use a soft brush and rub it in gentle circles on your gum line.

Crooked teeth. Crooked teeth can make it hard to get in between teeth for proper cleaning. Talk to your dentist about retainers or Invisalign braces to straighten your teeth.

Genes. There may be a genetic component to your gum problems. According to some studies, about 30% of the population has a genetic predisposition to developing tooth decay, even if they are careful with their oral hygiene.

What Is the Treatment for Receding Gums?

  • The treatment depends on your dentist’s recommendation.

  • Typically, your dentist will recommend an in-depth cleaning known as planning and scaling.

  • This professional cleaning removes tartar and plaque from deep inside the gums.

  • The next step is usually gum graft surgery to add soft tissue to cover up exposed root surfaces.

Address the Underlying Causes

You should also address any underlying causes of gum recession, for instance, straightening crooked teeth or changing how you brush your teeth. If poor oral hygiene caused your gums to recede, talk to your dental hygienist about proper cleaning techniques. If you’re predisposed to gum disease, you may need more frequent dental appointments.

Your dentist can fix your receding gums, but it’s important to get treatment as soon as possible.

Get Help for All Your Dental Needs

Do you think your gums are receding? Make an appointment at Malan Family Dentistry. We'll give you a thorough examination and recommend a treatment plan.